3rd New Energy Forum
全球各地頻受熱浪與寒潮衝擊,冰川消融速度加劇,再加上洪水與乾旱強度亦持續增強,在在顯示氣候變遷問題已成為各國迫在眉睫的重要課題,目前國際公認若要解決氣候危機,則須仰賴各國積極推動能源轉型,依據國際能源總署(IEA) 報告指出,雖全球升溫控制在攝氏1.5 度以內的目標仍在可實現範圍內,但全球再生能源投資須較目前增加2 倍,並且開發中國家要建立潔淨能源注資機制。
Around the world, regions are frequently experiencing the impacts of heatwaves and cold snaps. The rate of glacier melting is accelerating, and the intensity of floods and droughts continues to grow. All of these indicators underscore that climate change has become an urgent global issue. It is widely recognized that addressing the climate crisis requires proactive efforts from all nations. According to research by the International Energy Agency (IEA), even though the goal of limiting global warming to within 1.5 degrees Celsius remains achievable, global investment in renewable energy needs to double from its current levels. Furthermore, developing countries must establish mechanisms for clean energy funding.
時間 | 議程/主題 | 講者 |
09:00-09:30 | 報到 Registration | |
09:30-09:40 | 開幕致詞與貴賓合影 Opening Remarks & Group Photo | • 台灣淨零排放協會理事長 簡又新大使 Dr. Eugene Chien, Chairman of Taiwan Net Zero Emissions Association, Chairman of Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy • 經濟部能源署 李君禮副署長 Mr. jyunlee Lee, Deputy Director of Energy Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs |
09:40-10:00 | 台灣海洋能源研究開發 Research and Devlopment of Ocean Energy in Taiwan | 國立台灣海洋大學 許泰文 校長 President Tai-Wen Hsu National Taiwan Ocean University |
10:00-10:20 | 能源轉型帶動儲能需求 Energy Transformation Driving Demand for Energy Storage | 台塑新智能公司 王逢偉博士 Dr. Philips Wang, Formosa Smart Energy Corp |
10:20-10:40 | 我國地熱發展現況與展望 Geothermal Development in Taiwan | 國立中央大學地球科學系 林殿順 教授 碳封存及地熱研究中心主任 Professor Tien-shun Lin,Department of Earth Sciences,Carbon Storage and Geothermal Research Center National Central University |
10:40-11:00 | 中場休息 Coffee Break | |
11:00-11:20 | 國際氫氣發展趨勢 The Global Hydorgen developing Trend | TÜV南德意志集團 王善弘總監 Mr.Gray Wang,Head of Industry service Taiwan TÜV SÜD |
11:20-11:40 | 大彰化離岸風場的淨零轉型階段里程碑 Greater Changhua Offshore Wind Farms’ Net-Zero Transformation Milestone | 沃旭能源股份有限公司 高傳勝台灣專案開發總監 Mr.Jason Kao, Programme Development Director, Ørsted Taiwan |
11:40-12:00 | 綜合座談 Panel Discussion | |
12:00 | 會議結束 The end |