
The 3rd Carbon Fees, carbon credit and Carbon Tariffs Forum


The fee rate review is projected to conclude by the end of October, followed by a trial declaration in May of the next year, with the formal commencement of fee collection in 2026. Building upon the outcomes of the previous meeting, the third Carbon Credit and Carbon Fee Forum brings together experts from diverse industries and related government agencies for comprehensive analyses and discussions. The objective is to enhance the corporate sector’s comprehension of carbon credits and carbon fees.

時間議程/主題 講者 
09:00-09:30 報到
09:30-09:40 開幕致詞與貴賓合影
Opening Remarks &Group Photo
• 台灣淨零排放協會理事長 簡又新大使
Dr. Eugene Chien, Chairman of Taiwan Net Zero Emissions Association, Chairman of Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy
• 環境部氣候變遷署 蔡玲儀署長
Director General Lin-Yi Tsai, Climate Change Administration, Ministry of Environment
• 歐洲經貿辦事處 邵恩博組長
Mr. Christoph Saurenbach, Head of Trade Section, European Economic and Trade Office
09:40-10:00碳定價推動策略環境部氣候變遷署 蔡玲儀署長
Director General Lin-Yi Tsai, Climate Change Administration, Ministry of Environment
10:00-10:20 碳交易平台的啟動與展望
The Launch and Outlook of
the Carbon Trading Platform
臺灣碳權交易所 田建中總經理
Joshua Tien, CEO of Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange
10:20-10:40 中鋼碳權管理及因應CBAM 經驗分享
China Steel Corporation’s Carbon management and
experience with CBAM
中國鋼鐵公司 吳一民處長
Mr. I-Min Wu, Director of China Steel Corporation
10:40-11:00 中場休息 
Coffee Break
11:00-11:20 歐盟碳關稅及台灣碳費對企業之衝擊與因應
The Impact of EU Carbon Tariff and Taiwan Carbon Fee on Enterprises and the Response to it

Li-Fang Chou,Secretary General of Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy Center for Corporate Sustainability
11:20-11:40 台灣積極因應歐盟CBAM 之法制與發展:針對碳費之建議
Taiwan’s Legal Response to EU CBAM:
My recommendation to a Carbon Fee Design

Professor Ming-Zhi, Gao, Institute of law for science andtechnology, nthu
11:40-12:00 綜合座談
Panel Discussion
The end