
Working Together to Create a Sustainable Future: Strategies and Practices for collaboration with NGOs


We aim to unite NGOs to collectively explore the interactions within various sustainability-related domains, emphasizing the importance of global cooperation. This will encourage society to delve deeper into the multiple facets of global transformation. Through international and multi-stakeholder collaboration, we aspire to more effectively address the complex challenges brought about by global change. 

時間 議程/主題 主講人 
09:15-09:20 主持開場 Welcome Remark 國立臺灣師範大學永續管理與環境教育研究所 葉欣誠 教授
09:20-09:30 主辦單位致詞 Opening Remark 台灣永續能源研究基金會 顧洋 執行長 
09:30-09:45 棲地守護與淨零轉型 – 是矛盾? 還是共好? 
Habitat Conservation and Net-Zero Transformation – Is it a contradiction or a mutual benefit? 
社團法人中華民國荒野保護協會 陳憲政 常務理事 
09:50-10:05 永續飲食與淨零綠生活的實踐 
The Practice of Sustainable Eating and Zero-Waste Green Living 
主婦聯盟環境保護基金會 吳碧霜 執行長 
10:10-10:25 從人權與環境出發的盡職調查管理 
Due Diligence Rooted in Human Rights and the Environment.
環境權保障基金會 凃又文 執行長 
10:30-10:40 中場休息 Break time 
10:40-10:45 主持引言 Host Introduction 國立臺灣師範大學永續管理與環境教育研究所 葉欣誠 教授
10:45-11:00 非營利組織的永續行動 
Sustainability movement in Non-profit organization 
Sustainability in Action: Social Enterprises of Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation 
林堉璘宏泰教育基金會-合作案例 李韻如 主任 
陽光社會福利基金會 李政寧 經理 
11:05-11:20 《科學月刊》引領中學生「說」永續科學 
“Science Monthly” Guiding Middle School Students to ‘Speak’ Sustainable Science 
科學月刊 趙軒翎  執行總監 
11:25-11:40 心路徑:非營利組織如何思考及實踐永續 
The Heart-path of Sustainability: How Non-Profit Organization Think and Practice. 
心路基金會 賴炳良 執行長 
11:45-12:00 問答時間 Q&A 國立臺灣師範大學永續管理與環境教育研究所 葉欣誠 教授