
Promoting a Just Transition: Corporate Responsibility and Opportunities from a Global Perspective


This event focuses on how companies can fulfill their social responsibilities in the process of transition, addressing the challenges and opportunities in global sustainable development. The presentation will provide an in-depth analysis of how businesses can balance economic growth, promote social equity, and achieve environmental protection. By sharing successful practices from around the world, the event aims to support companies in creating long-term value while advancing sustainable transformation, achieving fairness and inclusive growth from a global perspective, and making a substantial contribution to a sustainable future.

時間議程 / 主題主講人
09:00-09:05引言致詞長官致詞:黃啟瑞 教授 國立臺北大學商學院院長
09:05-09:35應用ESG評鑑資訊,完善責任投資陳文練 總經理 臺灣指數公司
09:35-10:00ESG 投資的政治化:投資思維的轉變谷本寬治 教授 日本早稻田大學
10:00-10:10綜合討論/ Q&A
蔡顯童 教授 國立臺北大學商學院副院長暨企管系主任
從消費者角度看永續黃文曄 副教授 國立臺北大學企業管理學系
從動態能力看企業永續轉型蘇威傑 教授 國立政治大學國際經營與貿易學系
11:50-12:00綜合討論/ Q&A