2025第四屆亞太永續博覽會【邁向變革的力量Charge Towards Change 】實踐論壇
2025 4th SDG Asia【Charge Towards Change】Forum
隨著全球環境變遷的挑戰日益嚴峻,我們的使命愈發明確:邁向變革的力量!在2025 第四屆亞太永
續博覽會中,我們以【邁向變革的力量 Charge Towards Change】為主題,旨在鼓勵社會各界共
同時我們也將公布【2025 第四屆亞太永續博覽會】全新企劃,歡迎各界先進夥伴與我們共同探索如
As the challenges of global environmental change become increasingly severe, our mission has become
clearer! At the 2025 4th SDG Asia, we will embrace the theme of “Charge Towards Change” aiming to
encourage all sectors of society to collectively face the changing landscape and infuse vitality into future
sustainable development.
This sustainability forum will focus on the innovative forces leading social and environmental sustainability,
promoting deep collaboration among the public sector, enterprises, and academia to initiate a new
generation of sustainable transformation. Whether from government, business, healthcare, education, or as
individuals, everyone is an essential part of this transformative power.
In this forum, we will invite government representatives and experts to share insights on international
exhibition trends, Taiwan’s green exhibition blueprint, and exemplary corporate practices. This will not only
be an opportunity for learning but also a world-class platform to showcase Taiwan’s efforts in sustainable
development across various fields.
At the same time, we will unveil the new plans for the 2025 4th SDG Asia and welcome advanced partners
f rom all sectors to explore how we can make an impact in this wave, drive the power of change, and
collaboratively build the future of green exhibitions!
時間 | 議程內容 | 貴賓/講者/與談人 |
13:00-13:30 | 報到 | |
13:30-13:45 | 會展減碳未來式:攜手產業鏈共創淨零願景 | 工業技術研究院產業科技國際策略發展所 專案經理 蔡郁薇 |
13:45-14:00 | 綠浪引航 多元參與 共創永續未來 | 中鼎集團永續長 何麗嫺 |
14:00-14:15 | Sustainability in Unilever | 聯合利華台灣香港永續發展暨企業傳播事務部 蕭錫安 負責人 |
14:15-14:30 | 循環經濟為美好明天 | 榮成紙業永續發展主任 林器暉 |
14:30-14:45 | 2025第四屆亞太永續博覽會SDG Asia 邁向變革的力量Charge Towards Change | TAISE 會展中心經理 李勁逸 |
14:45-15:00 | 綜合座談I | 主持人TAISE 會展中心經理 李勁逸 |
15:00-15:15 | 媒體聯訪 l 貴賓合影 l 休息與交流 | |
15:15-15:25 | 貴賓致詞 | TAISE台灣永續能源研究基金會董事長 簡又新大使 |
15:25-15:30 | 貴賓合影 | |
15:30-15:45 | COP29 永續淨零國際趨勢 | 行政院能源及減碳辦公室副執行長 林子倫 |
15:45-16:00 | The Ocean Decade聯合國海洋科學十年倡議 | 海委會國家海洋研究綜合規劃及人力培訓中心 嚴佳代主任 |
16:00-16:15 | COP16 生物多樣性國際趨勢 | 農業部林業及自然保育署保育企劃組簡任技正 石芝菁 |
16:15-16:30 | QA | 主持人TAISE 會展中心經理 李勁逸 |
16:30 | 實踐論壇圓滿結束 |