
Managing Climate Transition Risks and Opportunities in Portfolios

全球經濟積極轉向低碳模式的背景下,掌握與管理投資組合中的氣候轉型風險與機會顯得尤為重要。為此,MSCI 與 CFA Society Taiwan 將於 11 月 19 日聯合舉辦「高效管理氣候轉型風險與機會」專題工作坊,協助機構投資者掌握氣候轉型機遇,洞悉永續投資趨勢。立即報名!

Join MSCI and the CFA Society Taiwan on November 19 for a workshop on managing transition risks and opportunities. Gain insights to build resilient portfolios that align with your sustainability goals.

What you will learn:

Understand corporate climate readiness: Latest research insights on climate investing trends.

Manage transition risks in portfolios: Key metrics and models for assessing transition progress.

Address climate transition challenges: Hear from industry practitioners on tackling data availability, ISSB adoption, and use of frameworks like IIGCC.

13:30- 14:00 簽到
14:00- 14:05 歡迎致詞
14:05- 14:35 研究洞見 – 亞太區的氣候風險與機會MSCI 大中華區及韓國市場 ESG 與氣候產品顧問
14:35- 14:45 實用洞見 – 轉型評估的指標與模型MSCI 大中華區 ESG 與氣候業務負責人
14:45- 16:00 專家座談會與問答環節: 解決氣候數據與資訊揭露的挑戰MSCI ESG 與氣候研究部大中華區主管
16:00- 17:00 自由交流時間