
Digital Transformation & Sustainable Governance


This forum is organized by Green University Union of Taiwan, with the current chairman of the union being President Wuu Dong-Sing of National Chi Nan University. The union was established in 2013 with the goal of promoting national sustainable development, environmental protection, and university social responsibility. This forum invites three speakers to share insights on achieving sustainable governance in the ESG Era, highlighting transformation as the key to sustainability, and discussing strategies for nurturing professionals in digital and sustainable transformation. 

時間 議程Agenda 講者Speaker 
14:00-14:10 主辦單位致詞 
Opening Remarks 
Dr. Dong-Sing Wuu, Chairman of Green University Union of Taiwan 
14:10-14:45 在ESG時代如何永續治理  
Achieving Sustainable Governance in the ESG Era 
Dr. Wen-Yuan Chen, President of National Chin-Yi University of Technology 
14:45-14:50 問答交流 Q & A 
14:50-15:25 轉型是永續發展的關鍵:慈濟大學的轉型旅程  Transformational Journey of Tzu Chi University: From Humble Beginnings to a Global Institution  慈濟大學校長劉怡均博士 
Dr. Ingrid Y. Liu, President of Tzu Chi University 
15:25-15:30 問答交流 Q & A  
15:30-15:50 茶敘時光 Tea Break 
15:50-16:25 數位X永續:雙軸轉型人才全球發展趨勢與成功案例 
The Global Trend and Future Talent for Digital Sustainability 
Dr. John Liao Chief Digital Officer, ITRI College, Industrial Technology Research Institute 
16:25-16:30 問答交流 Q & A
16:30 賦歸 Event Conclusion